Caie Wu
Contact Details
Email: wucaie@njfu.edu.cn
Mobile phone: +86-25-85427844
Education Background
2002-2005 Ph.D., Northwest A & F University, Food Science and Engineering
1996-2000 M.S., Shanxi Agricultural University, Pomology
1980-1984 B.S., Shanxi Agricultural University, Olericulture
Research Field/Interests
1. New Technologies of Food Processing and Engineering
2. Postharvest Biology and Technology of Fruits and Vegetables
3. Separation of Plant Active Substances and Functional Food
1. Shen D.B., Kou, X.H., Wu C.E.*, Fan G.J., Li T.T., Dou J.F., Wang H.B., Zhu J.P. Cocktail enzyme-assisted alkaline extraction and identification of jujube peel pigments. Food Chemistry, 2021, 357: 129747.
2. Wang H.B., Kou X.H., Wu C.E.*, Fan G.J., Li, T.T. Nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide are involved in methyl jasmonate-regulated response against botrytis cinerea in postharvest blueberries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(47): 13632-13640.
3. Wang, H.B., Kou, X.H., Wu C.E.*, Fan G.J., Li T.T. Nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide are involved in methyl jasmonate-regulated response against Botrytis cinerea in postharvest blueberry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(47): 13632−13640.
4. Gong H., Wu C.E.*, Kou X.H., Fan G.J., Li T.T., Wang J.H., Wang T. Comparison study of 4’-O-methylpyridoxine analogues in ginkgo biloba seeds from different regions of China. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 129: 45-50.
5. Tian F., Chen W.L., Wu C.E.*, Kou X.H., Fan G.J., Li T.T., Wu Z.H. Preservation of ginkgo seeds (Ginkgo biloba L.) by coating with chitosan/nano-TiO2 and chitosan/nano-SiO2 films, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 126: 917-925.
6. Tian F., Chen W.L., Fan G.J., Li T.T., Wu C.E.*, Kou XH, Wu ZH, Li Y. Effect of ginkgo biloba seed exopleura extract and chitosan coating on the postharvest quality of ginkgo seed, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99(6): 3124-3133.
7. Wang H.B., Wu Y., Yu R.P., Wu C.E.*, Fan G.J., Li T.T. Effects of postharvest application of methyl jasmonate on physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant system of the blueberry fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 2019, 258: 108785.
8. He Y., Fan G.J., Wu C.E.*, Kou X.H., Li T.T., Tian F., Gong H. Influence of packaging materials on postharvest physiology and texture of garlic cloves during refrigeration storage. Food Chemistry, 2019, 298: 125019.
9. Wang T., Wu C.E.*, Fan G.J., Li T.T., Gong H., Cao F.L. Ginkgo Biloba Extracts-loaded Starch Nano-spheres: preparation, characterization, and in vitro release kinetics. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 106: 148-157.
10. Gong H., Wu C.E.*, Fan G.J., Li T.T., Wang J.H., Wang T. Determination and comparison of 4ʹ-O-methylpyridoxine analogs in ginkgo biloba seeds in different growth stages. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(30): 7916–7922.
Courses to Teach
Food Technology, Food Storage and Preserving, Introduction to Food Science and Engineering